Handling Nokia's End Key.
All Symbian/S60 devices have an End Key. Sometimes it is informally called the red key. The associated S60 macro is EKeyEnd. You'll find the macro for it "here ":http://developer.symbian.org/xref/oss/xref/Symbian3/sf/os/kernelhwsrv/kernel/eka/include/e32keys.h.
I do not see that it is defined by "Qt":http://developer.symbian.org/xref/oss/xref/Symbian3/sf/mw/qt/src/corelib/global/qnamespace.h.
How does one handle Nokia's End Key via Qt?
Symbian does not send this key to application.
But you can watch for a QSymbianEvent on the eventFilter and see if its type = WindowServerEvent.
If so, check if the event->windowServerEvent()->Type() = KAknUidValueEndKeyCloseEvent -
For others who may read this in the future, someone just added a nice write up "here":http://developer.symbian.org/wiki/index.php/Handle_the_red_End_key_in_a_Qt_application.
[quote author="johnk" date="1282761109"]For others who may read this in the future, someone just added a nice write up "here":http://developer.symbian.org/wiki/index.php/Handle_the_red_End_key_in_a_Qt_application.[/quote]
Have uploaded a copy in our wiki too. Link "here":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/How_to_Handle_the_Red_End_Key_in_a_Qt_Application.
[quote author="QtK" date="1292193202"]
[quote author="johnk" date="1282761109"]For others who may read this in the future, someone just added a nice write up "here":http://developer.symbian.org/wiki/index.php/Handle_the_red_End_key_in_a_Qt_application.[/quote]Have uploaded a copy in our wiki too. Link "here":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/How_to_Handle_the_Red_End_Key_in_a_Qt_Application.
[/quote]Thanks, it will be certainly needed in the long future. Unfortunately, "the Symbian Foundation sites will close very soon":http://www.allaboutsymbian.com/news/item/12332_Symbian_Foundation_to_close_al.php.
I wonder if the people at Forum Nokia are prepared for that. Probably important stuff is there.
The good thing is that there will be less fragmentation, since Meego is already preparing their own developer network. At least symbian stuff will be in the same place.
[quote author="disperso" date="1292214844"]Unfortunately, "the Symbian Foundation sites will close very soon":http://www.allaboutsymbian.com/news/item/12332_Symbian_Foundation_to_close_al.php.
I wonder if the people at Forum Nokia are prepared for that. Probably important stuff is there.
[/quote]You can find a replicant of the the Symbian.org wiki at http://www.symlab.org/ If you need to find a wiki article that used to be at http://developer.symbian.org/wiki/index.php/Article_Title, you will (probably) find it at http://www.symlab.org/wiki/index.php/Article_Title
[EDIT: fixed quoting, Volker]