Cannot execute echo command in QProcess with pipe command
General and Desktop
i am using qprocess to run this command in qt 4.8 windows
echo cSTzU8+UPQQwpRAq | openssl enc -d -base64 -aes-128-ctr -nopad -nosalt -k secretit works fine when i run this in command prompt, but it is not showing any output while running from qt,
someone please give suggestion for the above problem to solve.
It might be a good idea to show the code for how you run it.
To run a cmd.exe command you often need /c and other
setup for it to function. -
echo is not a program (there's no echo.exe), so you can't run it via QProcess. It's a shell command so you need to run it from shell (cmd.exe).
cmd.exe /c echo ....