UIC crashes when build QT5.5.1 with Visual Studio 2013
Do you want to only link to the static runtime or build a static Qt ?
I don't want dependencies to the MSVC runtime DLLs because all of the other internal libraries that we use are compiled with Mt(d). This was decided before I joined the company as we didn't the support queries that could arise from installing the MSVC runtime when it has been already installed.
Well, just that, you can check if there any dependencies you are not expecting. Although I'd not expect the program to start if any were missing.
In the configure line you posted:
..\qt5.5.1-src\configure -debug-and-release -opensource -platform win32-msvc2013 -opengl desktop -nomake examples -nomake tests
I don't see the -static option?
i will try adding the -static option but won't that build just the .lib's?
Update: Building Qt (well just qtbase) with the -static option succeeds as does building Qt(base) with the MD(d) cl flags. I am really puzzled by this.
I don't want to use the -static option due to LGPL licensing issues.
No, it will build everything but statically which is not what you'd like to do AFAIU.
further updates...
I have tried to build Qt 5.4 with vs2013 and again UIC.exe crashes but when i built 5.6 with vs2015 with statically linked msvc runtime libraries it does not but does with 2013!
Since we will be moving to use vs2015 this will be fine but I am still puzzled why Qt does not like vs2013 with the MT(d) flags.