QML ListView scroll to last added item
QML and Qt Quick
I can't figure out how to make a ListView always scroll to the last added item.
I have a ListView and a ListModel. Once the ListModels grows, the ListView instantiates items.
That's good. But it does not automatically "focus" or scroll down if the item is outside the viewport.How do I do that?
My initial attempt was to call view.positionViewAtEnd() in the onCountChanged of the
ListView. But it does not work reliable. If I call that in the delegates
Component.onCompleted Qt segfaults.I'm using Qt 5.5 and Qt 5.6.
One possible way to do it:
Timer { id: positionTimer interval: 200 repeat: false onTriggered: view.positionViewAtIndex(view.count - 1, ListView.Visible) } onCountChanged: { positionTimer.start() }
Hope it helps