Stylesheet in QHBoxLayout embedded in QFormLayout
General and Desktop
I have the following code:#include "additem.h" #include "ui_additem.h" Additem::Additem(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::Additem) { ui->setupUi(this); Addcontent (); } Additem::~Additem() { delete ui; } void Additem::Addcontent() { //Add Title QLabel *Title = new QLabel; QFont f("Arial", 18, QFont::Bold); Title->setFont (f); Title->setAlignment (Qt::AlignCenter); Title->setText ("ADDING A FRIEND TO THE DATABASE"); Title->setFixedWidth (840); Title->show (); //Add ID Counter Additem::opendb (); QSqlQuery query("SELECT ID FROM Items ORDER BY ID DESC"); if(query.isActive()==true) { qDebug() << "The query is active."; } else { qDebug() << "The query is NOT active."; } query.first (); int LastID; LastID = query.value(0).toInt (); qDebug() << "The last ID is " << LastID; int ItemID = LastID+1; qDebug() << "The Item ID # is " << ItemID; QString sID = QString::number(ItemID); QLabel *Label_ID = new QLabel; QFont g("Arial", 16, QFont::Normal); Label_ID->setFont (g); QLabel *ID_Display = new QLabel; ID_Display->setFont (g); Label_ID ->setText ("Friend ID:"); ID_Display ->setText (sID); db.close (); //Getting name QLabel *Label_Name = new QLabel; Label_Name->setFont (g); Label_Name->setText ("Name:"); QLineEdit *LineEdit_Name = new QLineEdit; LineEdit_Name->setFont (g); QString string; string = LineEdit_Name->text (); setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus); connect(LineEdit_Name, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(readAndValidate())); setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{ " "background-color:rgb(202, 255, 227);" "border: 2px solid gray;" "border-radius: 10px;" "padding: 0 8px;" "selection-background-color: darkgray;" "font-size: 16px;}" "QLineEdit:focus { " "background-color:rgb(192, 192, 255);}" ); LineEdit_Name->setFixedWidth (150); LineEdit_Name->setFixedHeight (35); //validating QLabel *angry_image_Label = new QLabel; angry_image_Label->setFixedSize (30,30); // QLabel *incorrect_Label = new QLabel(); // incorrect_Label->setStyleSheet("QLabel { font-size:200px; color: red; }"); QLabel *incorrect_Label = new QLabel(); incorrect_Label->setStyleSheet("QLabel { font-size:200px; color: red; }"); //incorrect_Label->show(); if(string.length ()<2) { incorrect_Label->setText ("The name is too short!"); incorrect_Label->setStyleSheet ("color: red"); QPixmap pix("C:/Programming/Projects/FolkFriends/icons/angry.png"); angry_image_Label->setScaledContents (true); angry_image_Label->setPixmap (pix); } else { incorrect_Label->setText (""); QPixmap pix2("C:/Programming/Projects/FolkFriends/icons/Check-icon.png"); angry_image_Label->setScaledContents (true); angry_image_Label->setPixmap (pix2); } QString Name; Name = LineEdit_Name->text (); qDebug() << "Name: " << Name; //Creating the scroll area QScrollArea *scrollarea = new QScrollArea(this); scrollarea->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); scrollarea->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn); scrollarea->setMinimumWidth (900); QWidget *viewport = new QWidget(this); scrollarea->setWidget (viewport); scrollarea->setWidgetResizable (true); QFormLayout *layout = new QFormLayout(this); viewport->setLayout (layout); layout->setSpacing (60); //Title Row setup QHBoxLayout *titleRow = new QHBoxLayout(); titleRow->addWidget (Title); //Creating the Name row QHBoxLayout *NameRow = new QHBoxLayout(); NameRow->addWidget (Label_Name); NameRow->addWidget (LineEdit_Name); NameRow->addSpacing (10); NameRow->addWidget (angry_image_Label); NameRow->addSpacing (10); NameRow->addWidget (incorrect_Label); NameRow->addSpacing (350); //Interspace layout->setVerticalSpacing (30); QLabel *spacer_Label = new QLabel; //Displaying the rows layout->addRow (titleRow); layout->addRow (spacer_Label,spacer_Label); layout->addRow (Label_ID,ID_Display); layout->addRow (NameRow); }
The incorrect_Label's formatting does not show when displayed in the layout. It shows when I display it outside of the layout. The color is correct even in the layout. What can I do to increase the text size of incorrect_Label?
Thank you for your help. -
You are applying several different style sheets on your widget for QLineEdit. Either remove the QLineEdit specifier on incorrect_Label or use an object name to differentiate it.