QT wiringpi serial communication
i want to use wiringpi for serial communication with qt. i need to read the incoming data continuously. I have read slot and signals but i could not write any working code. Sending data is more easy but i have problem with reading data. I have tried to write first connection like this;connect(sender, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(objectDestroyed()));
but it doesnt work.
Is there any reason you cannot use the Qt serial library ?
http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtserialport-terminal-example.htmlIt would provide for reading incoming data continuously very easy.
The terminal program sample will read and show any incoming data.
The wiringpi don't use signal and slot so you cannot connect that way.
You should use it like any C/C++ library.But you could use a Qtimer + a slot and call
int serialDataAvail (int fd) ; to check if anything to read and then call
int serialGetchar (int fd) ;
to get the input.http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17784409/linking-a-function-to-a-timer-with-qt