Display contents of vector in dialog widget when dialog is executed
I think this is something obvious but i can't find the right search query on google.
I got a std::vector which gets passed to a dialog and should be displayed in a glwidget when the dialog is shown.
//this calls the dialog and copies my vector into the dialog
void PasstukDialog::on_InsertFlat_pushButton_clicked() { FlatInserterDialog FlatInserterDialogInstance; FlatInserterDialogInstance.resize(QApplication::desktop()->width(),QApplication::desktop()->height()/1.5); FlatInserterDialogInstance.CopyMvar(Psstk_MultiVariabel); FlatInserterDialogInstance .exec(); }
Now when I make a pushbutton in the dialog and make it call the display()
void FlatInserterDialog::Display() {//copies content to the glwidget which paints it on the screen ui->FI3DGlWidget->StdClass_CopyPointers(FlatInserter_MultiVariabel); }
function it displays the contents of the vector in the glwidget(which is in the dialog)
but i would like to load it when the dialog is shown without the user having to push a button first
What seems to happen though is the constructor of the dialog is executed first.
Then the vector is copied.
Then the dialog gets displayed.So when i try something like
The dialog isnt shown yet .
I would need a signal when the dialog is loaded to display the content of the vector automatically. but there is only a close signal.
Hi and welcome
Even I read you post a few times, im not 100% sure what the real problem
is as you could setup all u need before calling exec().
So I must be missing something.But you seem to want to know when dialog is shown and
that you can know with
hope it helps. -
super :)