UnknownError returned from RouteModel
Hey everyone,
I am developing a project for my term project and in one of the modules it gets two coordinates from me, finds the shortest path and shows the route. But for about a week now, the plugin doesn't seem to draw any route. I tried running a routing query on OSM website which worked just fine. Thing is when I use GeocodeModel it works just fine but when it comes to RouteModel, it does not draw the path between coordinates also sets the "status" in routeModel to 3 -which is RouteModel.Error-, "error" to 5 -which is RouteModel.UnknownError- and "errorString" to "Found route between points".
I tried tracing packets using WireShark -as Mr.Aaron McCarthy from QtLocation asked- and there is no json file directed to my IP from server.Any ideas on how can I overcome this issue ?
Many thanks in advance. -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Without any code it's pretty difficult, can you provide a small compilable example that shows that behavior ?
Thanks. I didn't add the code because it's the code Laszlo Agocs implemented in this video . I assumed the error QT-related. Anyway here's the code :
Item { property variant fromCoordinate : QtPositioning.coordinate(-27.579336,153.100333); property variant toCoordinate : QtPositioning.coordinate(-37.759136, 145.156359); PositionSource{ active:true onPositionChanged: { console.log(position.coordinate);} } Map{ id:map plugin: Plugin{ name: "osm" } center { latitude: -27.5796 longitude: 153.1003 } zoomLevel: 15 gesture.enabled: true anchors.fill:parent MapQuickItem{ id:marker opacity: 0.6 coordinate:QtPositioning.coordinate(-27.579622,153.10032); sourceItem: Image { id:image source: "qrc:/resources/arrow.png" } anchorPoint.x: 0 anchorPoint.y: image.height/2 } MapItemView{ model: routeModel delegate: Component { MapRoute{ route:routeData line.color:"blue" line.width: 4 } } } } RouteModel { id:routeModel plugin: map.plugin query:RouteQuery{ id:routeQuery } autoUpdate: true Component.onCompleted: { routeQuery.addWaypoint(fromCoordinate); routeQuery.addWaypoint(toCoordinate); update(); } } }
Sorry it's a bit long. Thanks for your interest.
Edit: The lines I logged error values I mentioned above aren't included for the sake of clarity.
- Update -
So, an interesting thing happened. I was tracing the packets in and out on my network, I filtered the ones whose ip:"" -which i think is the routing server- the packets sent to me from this source includes a application.json file. Inside the file is the route between my coordinates.
tags included in the file is here
- Update -
I've tested your code but I can't reproduce your error, so it might indeed but something in your current network setup.
Hi, any progress in the last months? I have the same problem with example code from http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qgeoroutingmanager.html#details
ah it's fixed in 5.6.0 RC: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-50240