Message box doesnt appear
this is my code:
#include <QApplication> #include <QWidget> #include "mybutton.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QWidget window1; window1.setFixedSize(640,480); QIcon openicon("/home/xatziaris/workspace/Qt/project8452/project8452/open.svg"); QIcon saveicon("/home/xatziaris/workspace/Qt/project8452/project8452/save.png"); QIcon closeicon("/home/xatziaris/workspace/Qt/project8452/project8452/close.png"); QIcon abouticon("/home/xatziaris/workspace/Qt/project8452/project8452/about.png"); mybutton openbutton; openbutton.setParent(&window1); openbutton.setText("Open"); openbutton.setIcon(openicon); openbutton.setGeometry(1,1,80,45); mybutton savebutton; savebutton.setParent(&window1); savebutton.setText("Save"); savebutton.setIcon(saveicon); savebutton.setGeometry(1,47,80,45); mybutton aboutbutton; aboutbutton.setParent(&window1); aboutbutton.parentwindow = &window1; aboutbutton.setText("About"); aboutbutton.setIcon(abouticon); aboutbutton.setGeometry(1,93,80,45); mybutton closebutton; closebutton.setParent(&window1); closebutton.setText("Close"); closebutton.setIcon(closeicon); closebutton.setGeometry(1,434,80,45);; QObject::connect(&closebutton,SIGNAL(clicked()),&a,SLOT(quit())); aboutbutton.setCheckable(true); QObject::connect(&aboutbutton,SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),&aboutbutton,SLOT(showinfo(bool))); return a.exec(); }
#include "mybutton.h" void mybutton::showinfo(bool a){ if(a){ this->setChecked(false); QMessageBox infobox; infobox.setText("\nA text editor by ME.\n\nCreated with open source Qt Creator.");; } }
#ifndef MYBUTTON #define MYBUTTON #include <QPushButton> #include <QWidget> #include <QMessageBox> class mybutton: public QPushButton{ Q_OBJECT public: QWidget *parentwindow; public slots: void showinfo(bool a); }; #endif // MYBUTTON
in main.cpp a create a window with 4 buttons. i want to click the "About" button to make a message box appear. but nothing happens.
the connection:
the slot:
void mybutton::showinfo(bool a){ if(a){ this->setChecked(false); QMessageBox infobox; infobox.setText("\nA text editor by ME.\n\nCreated with open source Qt Creator.");; } }
ty :)
Hi and welcome to devnet,
infobox is a local variable and currently will be destroyed at the end of showinfo if's true condition.
Hi and welcome
Adding to @SGaist info,
You are using show() to show the dialog.
Show() will not block and the next lines will be executed;
int a=10; << this is also executed while dialog is showing
// and if this is end of function, the dialog is deleted.This is in contrast to
exec(); << exec blocks and it stays "in" there.
int a=10; << this is NOT executed before dialog closes -
Hi a QDialog is a widget. (also)
But the exec is in Dialog class so other Widgets don't have it.
You can how ever make a Widget "Dialog like"
QWidget *yourWidget = new QWidget(this, Qt::Popup | Qt:: Dialog);
yourWidget ->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal);
yourWidget->show();But it can only use show(); not exec().
If you need a dialog, just use a dialog.
Nothing u cant do with Dialog that u can do with plain Widget.If time permits, you should really read the
modal vs non modal (block vs non block)
as the use of exec() can give surprise if used inside
event handlers and the like.The exec() is a message loop.
So when you are in such loop,
then normal mainwindow message loop is affected. -
happy new year :)