Improper target for subproject with dependency
General and Desktop
Hello. I have a subdirs project:
TEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS += \ app \ lib app.depends = lib lib.CONFIG += no_docs_target prepareRecursiveTarget(docs) QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += docs
There is QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += docs in app project, but no docs in lib project.
When I try to "make docs", I get an error:
"No rule to make target 'sub-lib-docs', needed by 'sub-app-docs'. Stop."
because the Makefile contain such text:sub-app-docs: sub-lib-docs @if not exist app\ mkdir... ... docs: sub-app-docs
and nothing else about sub-lib-docs.
I can try to fix it with CONFIG += ordered, but I don't think, that it is a great idea.