How to get screen resolution from android devlce
I am trying to make a game for android. And I use qpainterpath class for my moving objects but all screens have different resolutions. So I use
ScrW = qdesktopwidget::screensize.width;
ScrH = qdesktopwidget::screensize.height;
And used my staff that Proportional for example
Box.addrect(x,y, scrW/10, scrH/12)
To create a box but it doesn't work all devices, my stuff gets different ratio espacially text are get crazy because it's font size.
NewBoxText.addText ("example");
Is there anyway to do that easyly and perfect image.
Maybe I can solve really good proportional calculation and get a little bite better but some of my stuff goes out side of screen so I think I couldn't get the right resolution. So it's get crazy a bite.
I m new that stuff if u can give me and advise it will be pleasure for me.