get rid of ugly background on qprogressbar
I have created a qprogressbar programmatically and it is showing up with a grey background darker than the grey the statusbar has. I want to know what might be causing it and how to remove it. Here is the relevant code area
progress = new QProgressBar(this); statuslabel.setText("Idle"); progress->setVisible(true); progress->setMinimum(0); progress->setMaximum(0); ui->statusbar->addWidget(&statuslabel); ui->statusbar->addPermanentWidget(progress); ui->statusbar->update();
and here is where they are declared
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: QProgressBar *progress; QLabel statuslabel; QStringList videofiles; explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0); ~MainWindow(); void processDir(QString file); QSqlDatabase db; private slots: void on_actionPreferences_triggered(); void on_actionExit_triggered(); void on_addFilesButton_clicked(); void on_scanFilesList_itemSelectionChanged(); void on_removeFilesbutton_clicked(); void on_startButton_clicked(); void on_actionOpen_triggered(); private: Ui::MainWindow *ui; QString cfgfile; bool scanloaded; void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event); bool userReallyWantsToQuit(); };
I am on osx 10.11.2
now the background is the matching color for the statusbar, but I didn't change anything that I can see, what the heck?
ok I see what's happening, when the app first launches the background for qprogressbar is wrong, but if I turn focus to another app and then back it paints it with the correct background color. What could cause that?
ok edit again. Now I notice that it is the statusbar that is originally painted with a lighter grey and IT is the one repainted when I change focus back to the app, maybe if I set the palette of the statusbar. Maybe the way I created it doesn't use the qapplication default palette?