Problems with QProcess
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Are you really required to kill the application ? Can't you send it a command ?
In any case, can you show the code you are using with QProcess ?
I can, but i donk know if its going to be helpful. I try to describe what i am doing in words first, and when its not enough, ill post the code.
So the main task i want to achieve is grabing a videostream from the server and save it. I do it with WGET ( a commandline downloadmanager). I manage to do so by login to server, getting cookies, then asking for a streamlink i want to watch and grabbing it. The stream is a live-TV program. The stream can abruptly end and i have no means to pick it up where it ends. So what i do now i write something like
system("wget blablabla to file.ts.001");
system("wget blablabla to file.ts.002"); like 3-4 more times...
(this i do in my separate c++prog.exe and then starting this program in Qt on click)
Im starting WGET in a console-occupying manner so when the stream breaks, it automatically pick it up shortly after by going to ne next system() command. I watch the stream already while its being downloaded and the VLC-Player does play that without interruption and even allow me to to navigate throughout the stream even its separated in several files.Since the program is mainly for privat use, i thought this would be ok and i just need to start and kill this program as separated process by click in my QtGUI-App.
Now i actually wanted to write all i do in my c++prog.exe inside a Qt function(or class). For example i can start WGET in background from the commandline arguments. It spits out a processID that it have in windows and start as a separate process. Problem is, i dont know when the process is going to end, so i have to start another one to pick up stream. I could of course let my GUI-App asking windows frequently if processID of my wget is still running, but ithoughti just could start and stop the exe with a click in my app.
QProcess::waitForFinished might be what you're after. Although I suggest capturing the stream directly from your Qt program instead of relying on an external program. Here's a simple example. -
See, my problem is, id have to make a thread and within the thread a new(oder several new) process for every calling of WGET. The thread would then be waiting for every WGET fo finish. But i need to kill the thread instantly, when im going to change the channel. Can i do that? QTread man says i can cancel a loop in a thread, and if there is no loop, it wont do nothing. -
You use either QProcess::kill or QProcess::terminate, as for starting you do that by QProcess::start. When using QProcess processes by default are started as detached -
"You use either QProcess::kill or QProcess::terminate"
Yes, i know. But i dont know how to get it running. Can you draft me an example how can i start a process by clicking on a StartButton and kill/terminate it on StopButton? -
This should suffice, assuming your buttons are available as objects:QProcess * wget = new QProcess; wget->setProgram("wget"); QStringList arguments; arguments << "some argument you want to pass to wget" << "another argument" << ...; wget->setArguments(arguments); // Connect your stop button to stop the process QObject::connect(stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), wget, SLOT(terminate())); // Connect to clean up the QProcess instance when the process has finished QObject::connect(wget, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), wget, SLOT(deleteLater())); // Start the process wget->start();