Statically built Qt 5.5.1 complains about missing "multimedia" module.
I built Qt 5.5.1 on Windows 8.1 Pro from source, using the following commands:
configure -prefix C:\Qt -release -force-debug-info -opensource -static -confirm-license -opengl desktop -no-compile-examples -nomake examples -no-sql-sqlite -nomake tests
nmake installThen I tried to compile a project in QtCreator. The project used multimedia module, and it used to compile with statically built Qt 5.4 on the same machine. Now the compiler gives the error message:
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: multimedia
What could be missing?
Thank you in advance!
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Did you call configure in qtbase or in the source root directory ?
You can try building in by hand by going in the multimedia folder and call qmake + nmake there.
By the way, don't forget the licensing implication when using a static build.
Yes that's what I mean. There's no qmake install, you can only call nmake install but in your case, you should not need to do it.
I did the following:
cd qtmultimedia
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Qt\bin
qmake > qmake_log.txt
nmake > nmake_log.txt
nmake installqmake did not produce any output, nmake did not seem to build anything - all was probably built during the main build. The problem with "multimedia" did not go away.
If this is of any help, please see the screenshot of the kit configuration and the error/warning message associated with it: