connect problem!!! QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type "myStruct" (Make sure 'myStruct' is registered using qRegisterMetaType(). )
we need the actual code also :)
Yes, even for myInt. myInt is unknown to the Qt MetaObject system.
@JohanSolo beware when passing pointers especially if it's a multithreaded environment. You have to handle carefully the lifetime of your objects.
@SGaist said:
@JohanSolo beware when passing pointers especially if it's a multithreaded environment. You have to handle carefully the lifetime of your objects.
Yeah, actually I've been bitten recently by this... That's why I said `(when applicable)', I should have put more emphasise on potential problems. Thank you for the warning!
Just don't do that, it's a base type. Register it and keep your code clean.
Again: myInt is an unknown type to the Qt Meta Object system