[SOLVED] Massive Timedelay at Bluetooth Transmission
Hello again,
since a week i´m facing the problem, that newly deployed Apps have
timedelay when i´m transfering datas via bluetooth. I´m talking about
maybe 10 bytes per frame every 20ms.
The symptom appeared all of a sudden, without that i have changed anything
in my setup neigther on my phone, nor on the host PC.I have a Xperia Z2 with Android4.4 and Win7 Host, compiling Qt 5.3 with
API Level 19.Had some such an occurance too?
Fu**** stupid me.
At the second i clicked submit, i came to the idea, to check at which intervals the frames are send. It was 10ms. Too fast as it looks like. Changed it to 20ms and everything is perfect...