Screen slide animation with states and transitions, setting a default transition
I have an app with several screens, which each have an associated state. Now I want to have a slide animation between screens.
It is actually not that difficult, I do it like this:
states: [ State { name: "start" }, State { name: "login" } ] transitions: [ SlideLeftTransition { from: "start" to: "login" inTarget: loginscreen outTarget: startscreen } ]
SlideLeftTransition is the transition taking care of sliding the screens. Now if I have 10 screens, I would need to define 9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1=45 transitions.
So I want to define a default transition!
SlideLeftTransition { inTarget: screen_of_old_state outTarget: screen_of_new_state }
But I am missing 2 ingridients:
- I have to associate a state with a screen, in a way that I can access the screen from a generic transition.
- I have to know from which state/screen I am coming.
How can this be done?