Form Allignment appeared improperly at the compilation time
I am developing one application in qt. Already have some buttons in the form, if i add any buttons(label button, check box) in the form, at the compilation time, form alignment is improperly appeared. more then 10 buttons available that form, but one buttons only appeared the compilation time. How to fix that issue. Anyone can help me.
You should share the code you are using. From you description it's not clear what is currently happening.
Os: linux 64 bit
Device: You-Transactor device its having Qt and linux os.Alignment missing at Run time, for example login registration form having horizontal layout, vertical layout. Horizontal layout contain one label and one line edit button. vertical layout contain 6 check box. that Gui is already developed six month before. Now i added any tool button(label button) at run time its two check box only visible. other buttons are not visible in the you-transactor device.
Are you sure you're not making something that's too big for the screen to show ?