Show SQLITE data in a QTableWidget
hello i have a problem. i am keeping data in a table of my sqlite database with a different id ....but when i show the data in a qtablewidget, the data appear in a continuos order ....
how i can show exactly the data of the table of my database on my qtablewidget................for example i save data in a table in the row 0, row 3 and row 5 of my sqlite database
when i show these data in a qtablewidget these appear in the row 0 row1 and row 2
i need that the data of my sqlite database will be in the same position in my qtablewidget?????i am using this code to show data from my database to my qtablewidget
QString tabla;
tabla.append("SELECT * FROM contactos");QSqlQuery mostrar;
qDebug() << "ok mostarr ";
qDebug() << "ERROR"<< mostrar.lastError();int fila=0;
// ui->tabla_gui->setRowCount(0);
while (
ui->tabla_gui->setItem(fila,0,new QTableWidgetItem(mostrar.value(1).toString()));
ui->tabla_gui->setItem(fila,1,new QTableWidgetItem(mostrar.value(2).toString()));
fila ++;
} -
@paul_espinosa said:
for example i save data in a table in the row 0, row 3 and row 5 of my sqlite database
What does it mean?
you have only contiguous rows.The easiest way to show table contents in a Widget is to use QTableView and QSqlTableModel