[Moved] Desktop release build: module "QtWebKit" is not installed
It's my first go with Qt and I am trying to make a standalone exe (windows desktop) using Qt SDK 1.1 and Qt Quick.
When i run the release version of my app I get the following error in the application output:<pre>
file:///C:/Dev/Qt/tRuntime-build-desktop/qml/tRuntime/main.qml:3:1: module "QtWebKit" is not installed
import QtWebKit 1.0
</pre>I also see this in Dependency Walker when I profile the exe.
The application starts but just show the Rectangle (qml below--)I pretrty sure have all of the required dlls (using depends.exe and the dependency list page) and added the plugins and imports directories and qt.conf
I've searched the forums + googled but the results refer to a bug that's been fixed months ago and I'm not exactly sure what to try next.
my qml :
import QtQuick 1.0
import QtWebKit 1.0Rectangle {
color:"#ffffff"WebView { id: web_view1 anchors { top: parent.top; left: parent.left; right: parent.right; bottom: parent.bottom} html: "<p>This is <b>HTML</b>." }
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include "qmlapplicationviewer.h"
#include <QtWebKit> //explicitly included to see if it makes a difference - no differenceint main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);QmlApplicationViewer viewer; viewer.setOrientation(QmlApplicationViewer::ScreenOrientationAuto); viewer.setMainQmlFile(QLatin1String("qml/tRuntime/main.qml")); viewer.showExpanded(); return app.exec();
@and I added the following to my .pro file
QT += webkitqt.conf:
@ -
Looks like it can't find plugin. Can you post here structure of your directory with copied libs?
P.S. Moved thread to another category where it fits better
(re:moved. Thanks, I wasn't sure about whether to go for this forum or desktop.)Here's my dir structure.
12/05/2011 14:46 206,848 tRuntime.exe
12/05/2011 14:00 DIR imports
14/04/2011 13:50 43,008 libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
12/05/2011 14:02 DIR plugins
12/05/2011 10:05 DIR qml
12/05/2011 14:16 47 qt.conf
14/04/2011 13:49 2,552,320 QtCore4.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 3,067,392 QtDeclarative4.dll
14/04/2011 13:49 9,849,856 QtGui4.dll
14/04/2011 13:49 1,209,344 QtNetwork4.dll
14/04/2011 13:49 2,177,024 QtScript4.dll
14/04/2011 13:49 271,872 QtSql4.dll
14/04/2011 13:49 17,333,760 QtWebKit4.dll
14/04/2011 13:49 399,360 QtXml4.dll
14/04/2011 13:49 4,006,400 QtXmlPatterns4.dlltRuntime-build-desktop\release\imports
12/05/2011 14:00 DIR Qt
12/05/2011 14:01 DIR QtWebKittRuntime-build-desktop\release\imports\Qt
12/05/2011 14:00 DIR labs
12/05/2011 14:00 DIR folderlistmodel
12/05/2011 14:00 DIR gestures
12/05/2011 14:00 DIR particlestRuntime-build-desktop\release\imports\Qt\labs\folderlistmodel
14/04/2011 13:50 89,600 qmlfolderlistmodelplugin.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 890,607 qmlfolderlistmodelplugind.dlltRuntime-build-desktop\release\imports\Qt\labs\gestures
14/04/2011 13:50 25 qmldir
14/04/2011 13:50 100,864 qmlgesturesplugin.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 1,238,398 qmlgesturesplugind.dlltRuntime-build-desktop\release\imports\Qt\labs\particles
14/04/2011 13:50 116,736 qmlparticlesplugin.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 1,369,235 qmlparticlesplugind.dlltRuntime-build-desktop\release\imports\QtWebKit
14/04/2011 13:50 119,296 qmlwebkitplugin.dll
12/05/2011 12:16 DIR codecs
12/05/2011 10:25 DIR designer
12/05/2011 12:17 DIR imageformatstRuntime-build-desktop\release\plugins\codecs
14/04/2011 13:50 196,096 qcncodecs4.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 224,768 qjpcodecs4.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 132,608 qkrcodecs4.dll
14/04/2011 13:49 210,432 qtwcodecs4.dlltRuntime-build-desktop\release\plugins\designer
14/04/2011 13:50 98,816 phononwidgets.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 352,768 qaxwidget.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 68,608 qdeclarativeview.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 211,968 qt3supportwidgets.dll
14/04/2011 13:49 70,656 qwebview.dlltRuntime-build-desktop\release\plugins\imageformats
14/04/2011 13:50 83,456 qgif4.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 83,456 qico4.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 287,232 qjpeg4.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 351,744 qmng4.dll
14/04/2011 13:50 75,776 qsvg4.dll
14/04/2011 13:49 379,392 qtiff4.dlltRuntime-build-desktop\release\qml
12/05/2011 10:05 DIR tRuntime
11/05/2011 17:43 383 main.qml
Looks like you are lacking qmldir in tRuntime-build-desktop\release\imports\QtWebKit folder
Cool, I've added that in but I get the following error on import QtWebKit 1.0
File name case mismatch for "C:/users/julian/desktop/release/imports/QtWebKit/qmldir"
The qmldir file contents are:
plugin qmlwebkitplugin
@I've read up on module imports and qmldir files and checked all filenames and refs. I also noticed in the docs that qt on windows is case insensitive so it's probably something else anyway...
Again with googling the error message, I am getting source code / bug lists results. Difficult to fofy :/