SQL driver doesn't work on ARM
Hi all,
I use Qt and QTCreator for my project. My program is running on an ARM machine and needs SQLite to work.
Compilation works, and programs run correctly. Except when I use a SQLite database, it doesn't work :
QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QMYSQL3 QMYSQLObviously, SQLite driver is not installed. But I have installed the driver
/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.8.6/include/QtSql/QSQLiteDriverSomeone have an idea ?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Did you install sqlite on your target ?
No ... You're right !
Is it possible to put the driver on the app directly ? -
What do you mean by on the app directly ?
I resolved the problem when I put "libqsqlite.so" in a folder named sqldrivers beside binary file (my app). And I want to know if it's possible to "bundle" the lib in my binary.
You'd be interested in the linux deployment guide, it'll explain how to deploy Qt applications
@greensystemes_db Would you mind marking the post as solved? Thank you.