[solved]How to forward declare a Q_Flag for signal/slot connections?
// Foo.h class Foo : public QObject{ Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(fooFlags flags READ flags WRITE setFlags NOTIFY flagsChanged) public: enum Flag{ fast = 0x01, far = 0x02, furious = 0x07 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Flags, Flag) Q_FLAG(Flag) Q_FLAG(Flags) Foo::Flags flags() const {return m_flags;} signals: void flagsChanged(Flags) public slots: void setFlags(const Flags _flags); private: Flags m_flags; }; Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Foo::Flags)
// bar.h class Foo; class Bar : public QObject{ Q_OBJECT public: Bar(Foo* _foo); private slots: void respondToFooFlagChange(const Foo::Flags& flags); private: Foo* m_foo; }; //bar.cpp #include "bar.h" #include "foo.h" Bar(Foo* _foo) : m_foo{ _foo } { connect(*_foo, &Foo::flagsChanged, this, &Bar::respondToFooFlagChange); } void Bar::respondToFooFlagChange(const Foo::Flags& flags){ // Do stuff };
Suppose, for whatever design reasons, I prefer to keep Foo as a forward declared class for Bar. It won't compile because it doesn't know what "Foo::Flags" is. But at the same time, I don't know how forward declare it.
If enum was a straight c++11 enum class, forward declaration is pretty straightforward.
I could also hack it by downgrading to int and reconverting from int. But that seems even worse architecturally than just including the Foo header in the Bar header.
The examples I can see in the Qt Source code seem to include headers rather than using forward declarations, so they're not much help to me.
You can't, the compiler needs to know all the values of the enum in order setup the correct data storage for it.