QML WebView not using username and password parts of https_proxy?
I'm on Linux and trying to get a WebView in QML to show an HTTPS-webpage via a proxy.
I have set "export https_proxy='https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@'"
wget works fine with this setting, I can see it connect in the proxy server logs.
This small example does not though, when run with qmlscene:
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Window 2.1
import QtWebKit 3.0Window {
visible: true
width: 360
height: 360WebView { id: webview anchors.fill: parent url: "https://accounts.google.com" //url: "http://www.yahoo.com" }
All other cases seem to work, e.g. username and password for HTTP-proxy, accessing HTTPS without proxy, etc.
Does anyone know of anything inherent in QtWebKit that makes username and password in https_proxy fail?