Manually update a Calendar
I created a custom Calendar with a custom C++ model (in addition to the standard calendar model). When this custom model is updated, the calendar must refresh its content but it seems I missed something.
The custom Calendar use a delegate to draw each cell and use the custom model to retrieve some useful data.
Here's my CalendarView.qml code :
Calendar { property DateNoteModel customModel style: CalendarStyle { dayDelegate: Rectangle { Label { text: + " " + customModel.getNotesCount( anchors.centerIn: parent color: styleData.selected ? "red" : "blue" } } } }
And here's my main.qml code :
ApplicationWindow { width: 640 height: 480 visible: true DateNoteModel { id: customModel Component.onCompleted: { customModel.addNote("My note", "2015-07-21") } // Called after customModel.addNote() onNoteAdded: { calendarView.update() } } CalendarView { id: calendarView model: customModel anchors.fill: parent } }
The call to CalendarView.update() doesn't...update the calendar. I must use an ugly trick like
calendarView.showNextMonth() calendarView.showPreviousMonth()
Did i missed something ?
Thank you very much
Hi @p3c0 !
Thanks for your reply. This code is just a test, I didn't make any "real" UI, that's why I used
. But I'll try your solution and come back :)It seems the Calendar isn't updated because the delegate doesn't use any property (because of the property binding). If I declare a fake bool property in CalendarView and I use this trick :
(beware, it's very very very ugly)
// main.qml [...] onNoteAdded: { calendarView.fakeProp = !calendarView.fakeProp } // CalendarView.qml [...] // delegate Label { text: if (fakeProp || !fakeProp ) + " " + model.getNotesCount( }
It works but...omg it's just...horrible.
Unfortunately, the
function used above isn't a property but just aQ_INVOKABLE
('model' subclasses QObject and acts like a wrapper around a QMap)I think I must create a property that makes sense in this context.
Sorry for my bad english