Qt Source Build Win7: uic.exe not found
I have problems in the Qt5.4.1 build on Win7.
My settings are (Windows7; Mingw64 4.9.2 i686; Python34):-> Extract qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.4.1 in "C:\Qt\QtSRC5.4.1\qt5"
-> Cmd.exe commands:
SET _root = C:\Qt\QtSRC5.4.1\qt5 SETPATH=%_ROOT%\qtbase\bin;%_ROOT%\gnuwin32\bin;C:\mingw-w64\i686-4.9.2\mingw32\bin;C:\Python34;C:\Qt\QtSRC5.4.1\qt5\qtbase\bin;%PATH%
SET INCLUDE = C:\mingw-w64\i686-4.9.2\mingw32\i686-w64-mingw32\include
SET LIB = C:\mingw-w64\i686-4.9.2\mingw32\i686-w64-mingw32\lib
SET QTDIR = C:\Qt\QtSRC5.4.1\qt5; C:\Qt\QtSRC5.4.1\qt5\qtbase\bin
SET QMAKESPEC = win32-g ++
SET _root =-> Edit "C:\Qt\QtSRC5.4.1\qt5\qtbase\mkspecs\win32-g ++\qmake.conf":
"QMAKE_CXXFLAGSC11=-std=c++0x" to "QMAKE_CXXFLAGSC11=-std=gnu++0x"-> Configure:
configure -opensource -debug-and-release -nomake examples -nomake tests -opengl desktop -platform win32-g++ -D __NO_INLINE __Run "mingw32-make".
The compilation follows quiet until the process make the *.ui with uic.exe of the error message:
'C:\Qt\5.4.1 QtSRC\qt5\qtbase\bin\uic.exe' not foundBy checking Makefile.Debug (Release) files in "uic compiler make_all" have the line:
"QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/C/Qt/QtSRC5.4.1/qt5/qtbase/pluginsPATH=/C/Qt/QtSRC5.4.1/qt5/qtbase/lib$${PATH:+:$$PATH} 'C:\Qt\QtSRC5.4.1\qt5\qtbase\bin\uic.exe'"If you replace this line "QT_PLUGIN_PATH....\bin\uic.exe" for "'C:\Qt\QtSRC5.4.1\qt5\qtbase\bin\uic.exe'" works!!!
What am I doing wrong?
Hi @ReinaldoJr,
I'm not entirely sure what went wrong in your case, but this is all I needed to do after extracting the source code to C:\Qt\src\5.4.1. No need to set environment variables, no need to edit qmake.conf:
$> path = %path%;C:\mingw482_32\bin\ $> cd C:\Qt\src\5.4.1\ $> configure.bat -prefix "C:/Qt/Custom/5.4.1/mingw482_32" -opensource -confirm-license -nomake examples -nomake tests $> mingw32-make -j 5
@ReinaldoJr said:
I'll make a cleanconf and then try as indicated.
make confclean
doesn't work any more, unfortunately. That's because the source code has been modularized since Qt 4.I think you need to delete everything and re-extract your source code. (If you checked out using git, you can call
git submodule foreach "git clean -dfx"