"QtBluetooth" plugin "declarative_bluetooth" not found
I'm starting to work with the Qt project, so this is my first application for android. I'm trying to use connection via bluetooth, but without success. Always appears the same error:W / Qt (12226): QML \ qqmlapplicationengine.cpp: 133 (void QQmlApplicationEnginePrivate :: _ q_finishLoad (QObject *)): QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
W / Qt (12226): QML \ qqmlapplicationengine.cpp: 134 (void QQmlApplicationEnginePrivate :: _ q_finishLoad (QObject *)): qrc: /main.qml: 3 module "QtBluetooth" plugin "declarative_bluetooth" not found
W / Qt (12226):someone who has seen this error?
Thank you. :)
Might sound silly but did you add
QT += bluetooth
to your pro file ?
yes, I have: "import QtBluetooth 5.3"..
That's QML, what about the pro file setup ?
sorry, I understood wrong the question.. on my pro file I have:
QT += bluetooth
SOURCES += main.cppTARGET = CityBike
TEMPLATE = appRESOURCES += qml.qrc
OTHER_FILES +=ligar.qml main.qml
now, the error is only:
W/Qt (28276): qrc:/ligar.qml:3 ((null)): qrc:/ligar.qml:3:1: module "QtBluetooth" plugin "declarative_bluetooth" not found
Hi, sorry for the delay, but I have already managed to solve the problem. Basically I uninstalled and went back to install QT. I think the error would be any files that the program couldn't find, maybe I have deleted or changed the directory unconscious. Now I have other problems to solve, but I hope to resolve alone for first step. :)
Thanks for the help. :)