Configure the range of the integer value of the QStandardItemModel
QStandardItemModel model;
auto int_value = new QStandardItem;
int_value->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole);
model.setItem(0, 0, int_value);QTableView view; view.setModel(&model);;
I can set an integer item without much trouble with QStandardItem, but how could set the
range of the integer value by QStandardItem(without customize the delegate) -
Use QVaraint to set the range of data.
QStringList list;
list <<"Dheeru"<<""<<"Bangaluru";
QVariant var(list);QStandardItem item; item.setData(var);
Use the following as well.
QVariant(const QList<QVariant> & val)
QVariant(const QMap<QString, QVariant> & val)
QVariant(const QHash<QString, QVariant> & val)@ -
AFAIK, you need a custom delegate if you want to play with the range of a QSpinBox editor