[sovled][Windows Phone 8.1][5.4] QML MouseArea pressAndHold signal not working properly.
I got a problem with pressAndHold signal in mouseArea. The problem is that signal is emitted right after clicking on the area instead after some time(800ms according to documentation http://doc.qt.digia.com/qt-5.2/qml-qtquick-mousearea.html#onPressAndHold-signal).
So got a question, is there a way to manually set the long press time? I think this could fix it.
AFAIK no, it's a constant that cannot be currently changed
I also experienced that issue, this seems to be a bug in the Win RT port.
As a workaround you can add your own timer and kind of simulate the pressAndHold behavior like the following code snippet (this snippet also handles the clicked signal, you can strip some code if you don't need that):
@MouseArea {
id: innerArea// Internal properties for pressAndHold handling property bool __isLongPress: false property real __initialY: 0 onClicked: { // Don't handle clicked signal if it is a long press if (__isLongPress) return // Handle the clicked signal here } onPressed: { if (!pressAndHoldTimer.running) { __isLongPress = false pressAndHoldTimer.restart() __initialY = mouseY } } onReleased: { if (pressAndHoldTimer.running) { pressAndHoldTimer.stop() } } onPositionChanged: { // Check for some absolute movement before canceling timer if (pressAndHoldTimer.running && Math.abs(mouseY - __initialY) > 10) { pressAndHoldTimer.stop() } } Timer { id: pressAndHoldTimer interval: 800 onTriggered: { innerArea.__isLongPress = true // Handle the pressAndHold signal here } }
You can also up-vote the bug report here to get it fixed faster: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-44606
Alex from V-Play