QMovie on QLabel starts not in full size
I use QMovie on QLabel and QGraphicsProxyWidget to show animated GIF over QGraphicsItem placed on QGraphicsScene. Almost all works fine except one - at first start I see not entire GIF but only small left part of it. After I drag QGraphicsItem over scene (QDrag is used for it) - then QMovie fully appears. Exactly QDrag carries just pointer to QGraphicsItem object instead of serialized object.
All my actions I show here:
QLabel* aniLabel = new QLabel();
QMovie* aniMovie = new QMovie( ":/new/prefix1/anim-1-color.gif", QByteArray(), this );
QGraphicsProxyWidget* aniWidget = new QGraphicsProxyWidget( this );
aniLabel->setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground );
aniLabel->setMovie( aniMovie );
aniWidget->setWidget( aniLabel );
@these actions I perform in constructor of item class derived from QGraphicsItem. To setup position of QGraphicsProxyWidget on QGraphicsItem and show animation I use following code:
aniWidget->setPos( pic.width() - aniLabel->size().width(),
pic.height() - aniLabel->size().height() );
@it is placed in paint(...) event of item class derived from QGraphicsItem.
My question is - are there some necessary actions to be done with QMovie before show it with QLavel? Or may be this is a problem with QLabel itself?