How to work with in-app purchasing and advertising on ios and Android
I need a primer for setting up in-app purchasing and in-app advertising with apps created with Qt for both Android and iOS. Does anyone have any suggestions where to get started with this?
Thanks in advance.
Do you need something like "QtPurchasing": ?
I saw that after I posted. I think I can gather what I need to do for in-app purchasing for this. However, I'm still unclear about how to set up advertising,.
Has anyone had any experience putting advertising in with Qt? Maybe its all part of QtPurchasing. But my cursor glance through the docs seemed like it had nothing to do with advertising setup,
I'm actually making a small, simple game to exercise the pipeline of publishing using Qt. So I'm just trying to see how all this comes together.
AFAIK, the "V-Play": team has the experience with it