Forbid edition for a specified column of a QTreeView... ?
is it possible with Qt5 ?
for exemple, i have q QTreeView with 5 columns (from 0 to 4), the last column is hidden... (this.. OK)
then, i would like the items of columns: [0,1,2] forbid edition but the items of column 3 autorize the edition.How to do it (easy) ?
Since you are using a QTreeView you are probably using a custom model then you can reimplement the flags(const QModelIndex &) const method to return the original flags minus Qt::ItemisEditable.
Hope it helps
for one of them i have a model, not for the other one...
so.. ok... it is really heavy that there is no member function able to do a job easier than this way. Each time i want a little personalization (who is not irrealist personalization), i have to do increase code a lot... and find solution Qt can not provide by these member functions... (sniff)
ok... it is like that... thanks to help SGaist.
ok... i have an other idea... because i need to do crafts work and maybe quick more to use code exist allready in my application, i think about use the mouseEvent double click and select condition on columns index i choose for forbid the entry...
pfff.... -
The reimplementation of flags is less then 10 lines of code
Qt::ItemFlags MySuperModel::flags(const QModelIndex & index) const
if (!index.isValid())
return Qt::ItemIsEnabled;if (index.column() == 3) { return QAbstractItemModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsEditable; } return QAbstractItemModel::flags(index);
@Otherwise you can also create a QIdentityProxyModel that does it and insert it between both models and respective views.
thanks SGaist i will use this for this one has allready a custom model, this technic seems to be more quick and esay that i thank.
and I will use event on mouse Release double click for the other one has only view custom class. -
I would really advise you to go with one solution instead. In your situation, it seems a proxy model approach would be the best. What's more, you don't even have to write it yourself. "This snippet":/wiki/QSortFilterProxyModel_subclass_for_readonly_columns_columns_with_checkboxes_and_password_columns provides proxy model that can do what you want (and more).
The post is old, but i think this question will be ask many times.
By the time, i think that your answer, SGaist and andre are together right.
Difficult to do a choice, and that depend of the futur implementation of code.
The best is to be able to know to do these two solutions.
For my thinking, i think that delegate is good when it is for a simple view without a specific model.
thank you.