Share Qt code as packages like Cocoapods does
Hey there,
I put up a proposal on how share Qt code packages with other users and wrote a small, but nifty tool that reads a package definition list and lets you install foreign managed Qt code as git submodules.
Everything is hosted on github (, but I don't mean to spam, so I put a copy of the README that says it all in here:
qt-pods is an attempt to unify the packaging of fragments of Qt sources. Inspired by the cocoapods project, each fragment follows a strict rule of how its contents are made up, so everyone can easily package her/his code and share it with other developers.
Based on my previous experiences with exporting code fragments to be used by others with Qt, it turned out to be a good idea to share them as static libs and git submodules. These are the rules that must apply to every fragment:
The fragment name is all lower-case and is equal to the repository name.
The fragment name starts with a "q".
The fragment name is unique.
Folder structure:The distribution of the source is up to the developer.
The repository root contains a *.pro file that is a lib template.
The lib is configured as staticlib.
The *.pro must have exactly have the same name as the repository.
The repository contains a *.pri file that contains instructions for the final target (for example linker flags of dependencies).
The resulting library must be in the root of the repository after it has been built.
Formalities:The repository must contain a LICENSE file with the license at root.
The repository must contain a file with the name of the author at root.
I have written myself a script that can draw in fragments that follow the above rules, but it is not very flexible. qt-pods is a seconds attempt to have a nice tool for that job. -
Sounds like an interesting plan, you should maybe talk with Cornelius Schumacher from the project about that
Thanks :) I just dropped him a mail.
I made a video on how to use:
Looks promising !
I have just set up I am also preparing talks and workshops, very high load atm :) Please spread the word!
Looks good! I'll post the link to my G+ page.