2 video replacing button1 and button2 (Done-thanks)
Video code below is working and i don't know how to create two video side by side,
replacing button1 and button2. How to layout->addwidget(videowidget) instead addwidget(button1)@
QWidget *window= new QWidget;
window->setWindowTitle("My App");QLabel *label= new QLabel("Hello"); QPushButton *button1 = new QPushButton("button1"); QPushButton *button2 = new QPushButton("button2"); QGridLayout *layout= new QGridLayout; layout->addWidget(button1,0,0); layout->addWidget(button2,0,1); layout->addWidget(label,1,0,1,2); video(); window->setLayout(layout); window->show();
void MainWindow::video()
playlist= new QMediaPlaylist();
player= new QMediaPlayer;
videoWidget = new QVideoWidget;playlist->addMedia(QUrl::fromLocalFile("/home/ubuntu/Desktop/hotgirl.mp4")); player->setPlaylist(playlist); player->setVideoOutput(videoWidget); videoWidget->show(); playlist->setCurrentIndex(1); player->play();
@ -
A possibility would be to use QStackedWidget. Or to simply add the video widget and the button side by side and set only 1 of them visible.
Invisible widgets don't use any space in the layout by default. -
i don't know if thats clearer :D
Whats wrong with layout->addWidget(videowidget) ??