How to show only one root folder in tree view
I am using QFileSystemModel in a tree view but I want to show only one folder view. I also want that folder to appear as the root folder (and no other sibling folders). I am doing something like this:
@ QModelIndex rootIndex = dirModel->index( sourcePath );
ui->treeViewFileSystem->setModel( dirModel ); ui->treeViewFileSystem->setRootIndex( rootIndex );@
With this I get the right view of folder that I want but that folder itself is not displayed as the root folder. How can have it displayed?
I also tried rootIndex.parent() but than it shows all sibling folders of the parent. Also I am trying to show dotted lines in the tree view that emanates from root folder, will be nice.
the only way i can think of is that you use a QSortFilterProxyModel und filter out all siblings so that it is the only root node left.
This should be just few lines of code.