QList of object
I'm developping a Qt application that use the GPIO of my pcDuino (GPIO are just seen as files).
I use buttons with leds that must switch on when the button is pressed.It's working fine, and I want now to make my application more generic and parametrable.
So, I'm using QSettings to allow the changing some parameters dynamically. What I want to do is choose wich gpio port matches wich buttons and leds in my settings file.
So, to create dynamically my objects I use a QList I append for all new parameters I'm reading from my file.
Then, I make a connection to switch on/off my led, regarding the state of the button.My problem is that with the parametrable version, using QList, my program never runs into my connect function.
While my non-parametrable version was perfectly working.Here is my code :
@ settings.beginGroup("LedButton");
QStringList gpioGroupList = settings.childGroups();
int nbGPIO = gpioGroupList.count();
QList<LedButton *> gpioButtonLedList;
for (int i=0; i<nbGPIO;i++)
qWarning() << "gpio n°" << i << gpioGroupList[i] << "=" << settings.value(gpioGroupList[i]+"/button").toInt() << "/" << settings.value(gpioGroupList[i]+"/led").toInt();
GeneralPurposeIO gpioButton(settings.value(gpioGroupList[i]+"/button").toInt());
qWarning() << "button"<< i <<"not opened";GeneralPurposeIO gpioLed(settings.value(gpioGroupList[i]+"/led").toInt()); if (!gpioLed.open(GeneralPurposeIO::Mode::Output)) qWarning() << "led"<< i <<"not opened"; LedButton *ledButton = new LedButton(&gpioLed, &gpioButton, qApp); gpioButtonLedList.append(ledButton); } for(int i=0; i<gpioButtonLedList.count();i++) { QObject::connect(gpioButtonLedList[i], &LedButton::toggled, [](bool checked) { qWarning() << "checked" << checked; }); }
And here is my non-parametrable version that works :
@ GeneralPurposeIO buttonIO(0);
qWarning() << "gpio0 not opened";
return -1;
}GeneralPurposeIO ledIO(8); if (!ledIO.open(GeneralPurposeIO::Mode::Output)) { qWarning() << "gpio8 not opened"; return -1; } LedButton button08( &ledIO, &buttonIO); QObject::connect(&button08, &LedButton::toggled, [](bool checked) { qWarning() << "button08 :" << checked; });@
Does anybody sees a mistake in the first code ?
LedButton *ledButton = new LedButton(&gpioLed, &gpioButton, qApp);
@gpioLed and gpioButton are created on the stack inside the for loop. That means those objects are destroyed when they go out of scope (when loop cycle ends).