Qt 5.4/Android 4.4.2: ToolButton background on touch
When I add a toolbutton to a toolbar with the following code then the button's background does not change on a press event (the press event is fired):
ApplicationWindow {
title: qsTr("Hello World")
width: 640
height: 480
visible: truemenuBar: MenuBar { Menu { title: qsTr("&File") MenuItem { text: qsTr("&Open") onTriggered: messageDialog.show(qsTr("Open action triggered")); } MenuItem { text: qsTr("E&xit") onTriggered: Qt.quit(); } } }
toolBar: ToolBar {
RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: spacingToolButton { iconSource: "qrc:/images/test.png" checkable: true } } }
@The problem occurs on Android, but the button works fine on Windows. Is there something wrong with the code or is this behaviour intended?