Connect setMode() to a button
Hi, this is my first post,I were progamming on qt for school,and I have to connect the setMode of a QLCDNumber to a button,
What is wrong?(QLCDNumber *D;
D=new QLCDNumber(8);)@connect("button", SIGNAL(clicked()), D, SLOT(setMode(Hex)));@
I tried to write D->Value(), but..nothing..
Hi, welcome to devnet.
That's not how it works. the first argument is not a string, it's an object pointer.
SLOT is a text macro. You can't pass arguments at connect site with it.If you're using a c++11 compiler the simplest would be to connect a lambda:
//D is a terrible name so I'll just use something else
QLCDNumber* lcd = new QLCDNumber(8);
QPushButton* button = new QPushButton("Set hex mode");connect(button, &QPushButton::clicked, ={
If you can't use c++11 then you need to create a function in your class and connect to that.