[GIVEN UP] Scoping Problem - how to explicitly access a parents property?
I have a strongly nested set of Items - here an abbreviated example:
@Rectangle {
ListView {
model: A //a QQmlListProperty acting on a C++ list
delegate: Rectangle {
Rectangle {
Button {
text: model.propertyMadeVisibleFromC++
ComboBox {
model: B //some model specifically made for the ComboBox
currentIndex: model.propertyMadeVisibleFromC++ - now I am accessing the wrong "model" and hence the requested property doesn't exist
How could I access the ListView-model from within the ComboBox? -
I switched to a GroupBox with lots of RadioButtons since I have to get this done. Doesn't look too bad, either. But if anybody ever finds out how to address a "model" of an ancestor from within a child that has its own "model", please let the rest of the world know!