How to get NMEA sentences out of GPS device?
Hi, all,
how can I get the raw NMEA data out of a GPS device?
QGeoPositionInfo doesn't provide it...Regards
Joerg -
You could subclass "QNmeaPositionInfoSource": and reimplement parsePosInfoFromNmeaData() to capture the raw NMEA sentence:
bool MySource::parsePosInfoFromNmeaData(const char * data, int size, QGeoPositionInfo * posInfo, bool * hasFix) override
// Store the raw sentence for later retrieval
this->sentence += QString(data, size);// Call the base implementation to process the sentence return QNmeaPositionInfoSource::parsePosInfoFromNmeaData(data, size, posInfo, hasFix);
@ -
that sounds very interesting.
But as QNmeaPositionInfoSource requires a QIODevice now the goal was to find out what device file is emitting the GPS' data...
Sorry, I'm absolutely rookie to android development.
Joerg -
Hmm... reading through the documentation again, I might have misunderstood how QNmeaPositionInfoSource works.
I have to admit I don't have experience with the Qt Positiioning classes; try asking at the "Interest mailing list": where you can find Qt engineers (you'll need to subscribe first)