Succeed compiling project in QT but failed compiling using qmaker in ubuntu terminal
I am running Qt in ubuntu 14.04 x64, i want to run compile code in another ubuntu machine but failed.
My QML program works ok when i run in Qt, build and run.
i went into Tools/Options/Build&Run/QtVersion/Qt5.4.0 GCC 64 bit
i found it is using qmake location = /home/ubuntu/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/bin/qmakeI went into this directory and make my project.
Project Error: Unknown module(s) in QT: quick qmlAny help is appreciated
Are you giving the full path to qmake wehn building from terminal ?
are you sure you have installed these modules?
I like to compile using QT Creator
Under Build & Run (Compiler)
GCC (x86 64 bit in /usr/bin) GCC
GCC (x86 32 bit in /usr/bin) GCCUnder Build & Run (Qt Versions)
Qt 5.4.0 GCC 64 bit /home/ubuntu/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/bin/qmake
Qt 5.3.0(qt-5.3.0) /root/QT5/qt-5.3.0/qmake (exclamation) -
Again, how do you call qmake when using the terminal ?
What does
@which qmake@return ?
Then run qmake using the full path to the version you want to use e.g. /home/ubuntu/Qt/5.4/gcc_64/bin/qmake. You are currently trying to build your application with your distribution's Qt