Transparent window
Yes. Change opacity of the Rectangle and "setColor": of QQuickView to transparent.
Sure, here you go:
QQuickView view;
import QtQuick 2.4Rectangle {
width: 300
height: 300
color: "red"
opacity: 0.1
@Hope this is what you meant..
- no it didn't help I just want to see whatever is behind it for e.g. this site or my desktop...
It seems you are using qmlscene to load the QML file, then you need to pass "--transparent" argument to it.
Are you using QtCreator to execute that file ?
Then Keeping your current project selected, go to
QtCreator > Projects (On Left side pane) > Build & Run > Run > Run > Argumentsand add "--transparent" as argument there for qmlscene.
Note: There are two hypens for transparent, it appears to be combined after posting.
Which "executable" ?
- you mean this projects right? then build & run > run>run
Yes exactly. Just remove the double quotes.
So what doesn't work for you ? If you have a Text element in this QML it will displayed as it is. It wont be affected by transparency.
- this is what I see :S
It seems the Window itself has completely disappeared. Since I can't see it running in the task bar.
Here is what it looks like on my machine:
!!Kept the default Project template like yours and just added color and opacity for rectangle. In my case it is seen running in taskbar.