Cross Platform Bluetooth Support
I had hardware based project which perferctly runs on Windows + Qt 4.x + bluetooth.
However PC was dying breed in my market. So I wish to open new markets.
Continiously trying Ardroid development was fruitless. It seems hate at first sight.
After Qt 5.4 it seems I can wrote a program for 3 major mobile platforms plus, desktop.
And I need bluetooth all of them.
On PC there is no problem, I connect via serial port. However it seems this was not possible on mobile.
So my question,
Is there any workaround support bluetooth communication at all 3 major (Android, IOS, Windows 8.1) mobile platform.
My Best Regards.
"Here": you have the current state of Qt bluetooth.
As for the feature plans, you should rather ask on the interest mailing list., you'll find there Qt's developers/maintainers (this forum is more user oriented)
Well, thank you for replying.
And I'm looking for workaround.
Maybe somebody manages some dirty hack to work blule tooth this or that.
And also
I'm not so sure to devs able to take seriously support some poor guy from middle east which does not have enough money, education, even proper english knowledge to add Bluetooth support for IOS and Win.RT.
My Humble Regards.
It seems that with "Qt 5.5": you'll get some or all of what you need