Ubuntu 14.04 and cross compile QtWebkit for rasbian
I manage to compile basic QT 5.2 and QT 5.3 to rasbian, but when trying to compile qtwebkit module I get these errors
./wtf/unicode/icu/UnicodeIcu.h:29:27: fatal error: unicode/uchar.h:
I have installed all the libraries for the icu, but still the compiler can't find those. What should I do to fix this?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Just to be sure, did you install the ARM version of icu ? Development package ?
If you followed the same guide I used, you should have your Raspberry Pi mounted on your system through e.g. sshfs or it's sd card. So the idea is that you install all libraries you need on the Pi and then use the sysroot from it to provide the libraries to build Qt with
Did you install the required dev libraries on the Pi ?