QGLWidget flickering in QMdiArea tab view and style with Aero on Windows
QGLWidget is flickering in QMdiArea tab view and style with Aero on Windows (Qt 4.6.8).
Result if awful, I was able to take picture and background was shown from the VC code below to rectangles.Flickering can be removed by disabling Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen attribute which at the first glance does not affect functionality.
Any suggestions what can be done? -
Still can't solve the problem.
I tried to change the style of the widget to ignore Aero (filling background, ets) but can't find what should be changed.
Any help is appreciated
Alex. -
QGLWidget is known for multiple issues when put inside QMdiArea. It is now deprecated, and replaced with QOpenGLWidget.
The only feasible way to resolve your issue is to upgrade to Qt 5.4 and use "QOpenGLWidget":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qopenglwidget.html
Thanks for comment.
Unfortunately due to 3rd party software compatibility I have to use Qt 4.8.Alex
I'm afraid I don't have any solutions for Qt 4.8 :(
In case anybody interested, no solution found except
disabling Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen attribute.
On Windows it seems does not produce any negative effects.