QWarn in qtest does not print anything
Probably a trivial error, I just don't know what it is. Searched google, but couldn't find anything relevant (lots of closed bugs though).
I use Fedora 21, Qt5.4 and Qml 2, and I use QtTest. It all seems to work together fine, but my QWARN never prints anything, neither do I get messages from the Qt system that uses qwarn.
I tried including <QDebug> to no avail.
Does anyone know how to get QWARN to work?
Without any code it's pretty much Crystal Ball debugging. Can you share your code ?
Hmm, bummer, I smashed my crystal ball ..... xD
Okee, adding a sample from the code (would be a bit much to show everything, and probably not helpful). The QWARN you see here, compiles, but shows nothing. My suspicion is it is a macro that was commented unless something is defined.
#include <QtQml>#include "testport.h"
#include "utils.h"TestPort::TestPort(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
- @brief TestPort::testPortCreation A simple test for creating a Port.
- No further test necessary: QML takes care of all
void TestPort::testPortCreation() {
QQmlEngine engine;
QQmlComponent component(&engine, QUrl("qrc:testport_1.qml"));
model::Port *port = qobject_cast<model::Port *>(component.create());
if (port) {
QCOMPARE(port->name(), QString("testport1"));
QCOMPARE(port->rdy(), QString("rdy1"));
QCOMPARE(port->compName(), QString("compName1"));
} else {
QWARN("Creation of Port not successful. Recheck qml and qrc files.");
@ -
Might be a silly question but are you sure that you are passing by the else case ?