[Solved] Software Keyboard in QT
Dear All,
I am developing an onscreen keyboard using QT. It looks similar to the hardware QWERTY keyboard.
I want to do following:On press of CAPS button, all the buttons should display capital letters. and vice versa.
What is the best suitable approach to achieve this functionality.
Kindly give your suggestions.
Sid -
Create a different widgets with Capital letters & Small letters. Switch between these visual elements or get the existing text and convert it to Upper or *Lower *based on the condition.
In summery there is no direct easy way of doing it, its all a manual process. -
If you're going QML way then binding would be enough :)
In Qt or QML you can create flag isShift. Then in your button control you can change caption or image in depending on isShift flag.
For example:
DigitalButton {
caption: isShift ? upperChar : lowerChar
void onShiftChanged() {
setCaption(isShift ? upperChar : lowerChar )
@ -
Thanks a lot for the suggestions.
I finally achieved this using the below code:
for (int i = 0; i < m_contentsLayout->count();i++) {
if (QWidgetItem myItem = dynamic_cast <QWidgetItem>(m_contentsLayout->itemAt(i))) {QPushButton *w = dynamic_cast <QPushButton*>(myItem->widget()); if(w != NULL) { //qDebug()<<"Button Text:"<<w->text(); QString str = w->text(); if(m_bPressedCapsLock) w->setText(str.toUpper()); else w->setText(str.toLower()); } }}