How to use QMapIterator with typedef'd QMultiMap [solved]
I use always use typedef to setup any STL type funcitonality (including QMap, QVector, etc..)
So for example, I have this:
@typedef QMultiMap<float, int>DistanceSorter;
// To use this, I now can do this:
DistanceSorter s;
s[1.0] = 0;
s[50.0] = 1;
s[25] = 2;
@I have used this convention for many years. But I need to do a reverse iterator through my list and I can't figure out how to do this.
I've tried this:
DistanceSorter pset;
pset[2.0] = 0;
pset[1] = 1;
pset[.5] = 3;QMapIterator<DistanceSorter> it<pset>;
while( it.hasPrevious() ) {
ParticleObj *p = m_particles[it.value()];
}@But QMapIterator doesn't like this syntax. How do I use QMapIterator in this situation?
This worked:
DistanceSorter pset;pset[2.0] = 0;
pset[1] = 1;
pset[.5] = 3;QMapIterator<float, int> it(pset);
while( it.hasPrevious() ) {
ParticleObj *p = m_particles[it.value()];
@I had two problems. One: I can't use my typdef argument in the <> portion of the syntax. And I put Brackets after the iterator (supposed to be it(pset) not it<pset>).