Connection signals/slots of a sublcass
I'm working on a project where there is this interface called "ColorChooser." It is an abstract baseclass, with a signal "colorChanged," that is used to notify that the color the user has entered into the widget has changed. For example, I have a few sublcasses called "RGBWheel," and "HSVWheel," that implement the interface.
Now, for some reason when I connect the signals and slots like in the first block the slot isn't being picked up on the signal emission. Yet If I connect them like in the second block, the slot does pickup on the signal
// Doesn't work
ColorChooser *cc = new RGBWheel(this);
connect(cc, &ColorChooser::colorChanged, app, &App::onColorChanged);// But this does
connect((RGBWheel *)cc, &RGBWheel::colorChanged, app, &App::onColorChanged);
@Can someone explain to me what I might be doing wrong here where I can't use the first method? Or is it completely impossible to connect signals/slots in that manner?
EDIT: fixed issue, see below.
My Bad,
Accidentally redeclared in the "colorChanged," signal in the RGBWheel class delcration.