How to use programmatically control of UI without mouse & keyboard
Hi all.
Is there are a possibility to control of UI without a mouse and keyboard?
For example I need to disable/ignore a mouse and keyboard, and to controlling of UI need to use a some of programmatically code. For example, to clicking on buttons, to selecting a list items and so on. Of course, it is necessary that all animation and highlighting was worked too.
In my case, I will to receive a some commands from the socket (or other interface) to switch/change/select of UI controls.
Is it possible? If yes, then, where I can to see an examples?
Denis -
Hi Andre,
What is "Squish" ? Can you explain more?
You talking about ?
If yes, then it is proprietary tool (as I understand).
It is. But it shows you what is possible. And it shows you that it is possible, and that was your question right? You asked :
[quote author="kuzulis" date="1421401012"]Hi all.
Is there are a possibility to control of UI without a mouse and keyboard?[/quote]
This shows you the answer: yes.[quote]
Is it possible? If yes, then, where I can to see an examples?
Again: yes, and Squish is an example of seeing it done. -
Ok, thanks.. In addition I would be happy to see a some source examples too.. ;)