[SOLVED] Can qbs be used to compile Win32 applications?
Can qbs be used to compile Win32 applications and thus Qt Creator too?
My plan is to compile non-qt executables both on Windows (VS2013 and if possible MinGW) and then Linux (GCC, clang). Is that possible?
I tried but I failed:
\msvcrtd.lib(crtexe.obj):-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol main referenced in function __tmainCRTStartup -
This is how it's done apparently:
import qbsCppApplication {
type: "application" // To suppress bundle generation on Mac
consoleApplication: true
destinationDirectory: "../../../__build-output"cpp.cxxFlags: { if (qbs.toolchain.contains("gcc")) { return [ "-std=c++14" ] } else if (qbs.toolchain.contains("clang")) { return [ "-std=c++14"] } } cpp.linkerFlags: { if (qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")) { if (qbs.toolchain.contains("msvc")) { return [ "/subsystem:windows" ] } } } cpp.staticLibraries: { if (qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")) { if (qbs.toolchain.contains("msvc")) { print("Loading static libraries for: Windows MSCV!") return [ "User32.lib", "kernel32.lib", "gdi32.lib" ]; } else if (qbs.toolchain.contains("mingw")) { print("Loading static libraries for: Windows MinGW!") return [ "user32", "kernel32", "kernel32" ]; } else { print("Invalid toolchain!"); } } else if (qbs.targetOs.contains("linux")) { if (qbs.toolchain.contains("gcc")) { print("Linux GCC is not currently supported...") } else if (qbs.toolchain.contains("clang")) { print("Linux Clang is not currently supported...") } } else { print("Unsupported Target OS...") return [] } } files: [ "../../src/main.cpp", "../../src/video/windows.cpp", "../../src/video/windows.h", ] Group { // Properties for the produced executable fileTagsFilter: product.type qbs.install: true }